Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day One, Week One

     So, I tried to upload my stats from my phone, but it would not let me do it…. I will figure out a way.

     I took my boyfriend’s dog with me, and while she behaved, my girl did not. Next time they will both be on leashes.

     I had no pain or complaints from my knee at all, which is great. I wore my brace and plan on wearing it for some time yet. Untill I drop some of the weight I am not going to take any more chances with it. The run itself felt clumsy, and slow, but considering how far I got into my training before I had to quit last time, I was expecting it to be this way. Still disappointed however.

Helpful link:
Running 101

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Squats, lunges, and more squats!

     The more I do this, the more I learn how critical squats, lunges, and a ton more squats, are to a woman runner. With our tendency towards weak knees and hip muscles. The quads and hammies need love, or your body will give you pain.

     As I write this I am wearing a knee brace thanks to “Anterior knee pain syndrome”,aka: Runner’s Knee. *dun dun duuuuuuun!* Yeah, it mostly has to do with the fact that my frame has quite a bit of excess weight on it, the reason I have started running in the first place, but it also has to do with the fact that my quads are so weak that the left one can’t even hold my knee cap in it’s place! After two weeks off of it now though I am going to start my running again tonight.

     I will post my stats tomorow, in the next post, along with the internal feedback my knee gives me. Women! Work those hammies and quads, don’t go through that horrible grinding pain of runner’s knee!

Wish me luck every one!

My Helpfull Links:
 1.Women’s Health Article
2.Yoga Stretches for Runners
3.Running on Empty (a fellow blogger, and a huge help for giving me hope)
4.Six Tips for Beginners